“Your conscience is the measure of the honesty of your selfishness. Listen to it carefully”
Illusions, Richard Bach
Like a canary in a birdcage
She looks beautiful
With a voice as soft as silk
But with a spirit that is chained
One day the owner of the canary
Opens the door of the cage
Hoping to uplift the heavy
Spirit but at the same time hoping
It will come back in the cage
When it decides
But how can the canary
All the fun, merry and laughter
Is outside
Even if the cage is safer
But it is not fun
It feels heavy on the heart
And spirit
So why does the owner
Expect the canary to go back in
The owner has been very loving
Caring and understanding to the
The last thing the canary
Wants to do is to hurt him
Why give the burden of the
Decision to the canary?
Should he go back inside
The cage?
Or should he stay outside?
What do you think the canary
Should do?
Nadine Moussa
21 September ’99
Gezira Club