Enneagram is a powerful model that guides people and teams into an inner journey of transformation. Nadine started studying the enneagram end of 2019 and discovered how naïve she thought everyone thought like her then came to the realization that nine different main types exist with varying thought patterns, beliefs, triggers and passions. She dived deep into the ocean of the enneagram, studying with several teachers and has transformed herself and her relationships with the learning and insights that the enneagram revealed.
Nadine offers a unique approach to the world of the enneagram with her Unleash the Hero Within You with three modules, introducing the enneagram and using well known management models: iceberg model, Johari’s window and the Hero’s Journey across the nine enneagram types. The purpose of the workshops is bringing consciousness to the unconscious, breaking the patterns and seeing the blind spots of each type for each type to break free and become a better version of themselves.